Remediation Systems

ENVIRONET provides remediation services consistent with Federal regulation for air, soil, groundwater, and mold contaminants.

Environmental remediation deals with the removal or neutralization of pollution or contaminants from soil, groundwater, sediment, or surface water. EnviroNET is expert on a variety of methods and has a network of contractors that can be mobilized based on the optimum solution that balance the urgency, the severity and the budget. This would mean that once requested by the government appropriate action can be taken to assure no negative impact on human health and the environment.

Remediation designs and implementation of corrective action plans are site-specific and may require air permits, soil management zones, bioremediation of soil and groundwater, land farming, removal and disposal, excavation, in-situ and ex-situ injection treatments. Monitoring over time and progress reports in instances when innovative technologies are used, pilot tests or bench top pilot studies verify effectiveness of treatments.