Hazardous Materials

EnviroNET staff includes Certified Hazardous Materials Managers, and over 160 years of experience in profiling hazardous/regulated materials, and identifying the appropriate recycling or treatment/disposal facility to minimize costs and impact to the environment.

Best Management Practices require that abandoned materials at brownfield site, in ravines, active industrial facilities or elsewhere be evaluated for re-use and recycling purposes. EnviroNET prepares material profiles and conducts marketing studies to the extent necessary to identify the most appropriate and cost-effective final disposition for unwanted materials. Specialties include: recycling “off-spec” paints, solvents, roofing materials, light ballasts, light tubes, and ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Our clients have reduced regulatory burden because materials are recycled with beneficial re-use rather than disposed as waste.

CERCLA assessments using the RAGS (Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund sites) is an area where EnviroNET has assisted corporate and governmental clients.  EnviroNET systematically evaluates the pathways of potential migration, and evaluates exposures to potential receptors using mathematical modeling.

Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response

Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) is set of guidelines produced and maintained by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration which regulates hazardous waste operations and emergency services in the United States and its territories. With these guidelines, the U.S. government regulates hazardous wastes and dangerous goods from inception to disposal.

›  Cleanup operations required by a governmental body involving hazardous substances conducted at uncontrolled hazardous-waste sites.

›  Corrective actions involving clean-up operations at sites covered by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.

›  Voluntary cleanup operations at sites recognized by a federal, state, local, or other governmental body as uncontrolled hazardous-waste sites.

›  Operations involving hazardous waste which are conducted at treatment, storage and disposal facilities (TSDF).

›  Emergency response operations for releases of, or substantial threats of release of, hazardous substances (regardless of the hazard’s location).

ENVIRONET can assist with identification
& management of:

  • Abandoned inventory
  • Off-Spec Products/Waste
  • Light ballasts
  • Mercury switches/thermostats
  • Inventory  Beneficial Reuse
  • Best Management Practices