Facility Response Plans (FRP)

Facility Response Plans require facilities that store and use oil to take preventative measure to assure preparedness in case of a worst case spill.

The EPA Facility Response Plan (FRP) rule is part of the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP), and part of the Clean Water Act. It addresses oil (animal fats, vegetable & petroleum) and hazardous substance spill response. An FRP demonstrates a facility’s preparedness to respond to a worst case oil discharge.

Facility Response Plans, similar to SPCCs, evolved from the CWA and OPA of 1990. A number of revisions have been made over the years to best ensure the most efficient and inclusive emergency management plans.

FRPs must be consistent with Area Contingency Planning and apply to Bulk Oil Storage Facilities, airports, and railroads where “substantial harm” is a potential factor.

Look at Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) regulations for more information regarding Facility Response Plans.