National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

Environet can assist with NPDES permitting, sampling, & reporting.

The NPDES stormwater program regulates some stormwater discharges from three potential sources: municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s), construction activities, and industrial activities. Operators of these sources might be required to obtain an NPDES permit before they can discharge stormwater. This permitting mechanism is designed to prevent stormwater runoff from washing harmful pollutants into local surface waters.

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems established in 1922 under CWA required facilities with regulated discharges to waters of the State to be permitted, routinely sampled, and reported to implementing agency.

Reports require contaminant and sediment loads, including BOD to be determined and relayed to the State on Discharge Monitoring Report Forms (DMR Forms). There is a training component involved.