ENVIRONET, Inc. performs mold testing in the Quad Cities region. Located in Davenport, Iowa we routinely perform mold testing in Rock Island, Moline, Davenport, Bettendorf and regional assessments in Dubuque, Iowa and Savanna, Illinois.
EnviroNET can perform inspections and guide the clean-up.
Reducing moisture in your home is the best way to prevent or eliminate mold growth.
If there is already mold growing in your home, it’s important to clean up the mold and fix the problem causing dampness.
If you clean up the mold but don’t fix the moisture problem, the mold will most likely return.
Call EnviroNET to schedule a mold assessment today!
EnviroNET’s comprehensive approach includes interviews, evaluation of building history, characterization of building materials, targeted testing of building materials for moisture, and mold testing.
Mold causes the deterioration of building materials and can result in significant financial burden. Mold spores and fungi may adversely affect health. Mold growth can be associated with: leaking roofs; pipe leaks; sewage backups; floods; high humidity; faulty or inadequate HVAC systems; construction defects in the building envelope; and water-damaged building materials.
As long as moisture is present, molds will grow. Water damage, hidden or overlooked, can allow fungi to become a very serious indoor air quality and health issue. Standing water is not required for mold growth to occur. High relative humidity combined with the absorptive properties of certain building materials may allow sufficient moisture to accumulate.
Do You Need a Mold and Moisture Assessment?
EnviroNET mold and moisture assessments analyze the related problems of excess moisture and mold growth. Expert mold inspectors examine building materials and laboratory results to provide a quantitative evaluation of indoor air quality with respect to mold. Recommendations are provided to guide remediation work if mold or moisture problems are found. The service is available for both residential and commercial buildings.
Why YOU might be interested:
Your property has known or suspected mold growth. Common signs are discoloration of surfaces and unpleasant “musty” odors.
Your property has had a leak, pipe back-up, or other significant water intrusion.
You are buying or selling property and want to establish its condition with respect to mold at time of sale.
You experience negative health effects which are specific to a property or part of a property (“sick building syndrome”).
You have had mold remediation done and want to confirm successful removal.
Before mobilizing, the inspector consults with the client to develop an efficient scope of work based on client needs. Upon arrival, inspectors assess the building envelope for possible routes of moisture entry. Inside, they measure surface moisture and humidity and look for water damage and mold growth. Air and/or surface samples are collected and submitted for laboratory analysis under chain of custody. The inspector documents observations, readings using direct read instruments, and possibly an infrared camera. Results of analytical testing and observations are included in a letter report to the client.
The report narrative includes building description, sample locations, correlation to annotated photographs, laboratory report with chain of custody documentation, and recommendations for building improvements and mold remediation. The property owner may use the report to request bids to remediate the property.
Air testing for other biological particles (pollen, dander etc) and volatile organic chemicals is available for additional fees.
Protocols for remediation are prepared upon request. Services available also include Post Remediation Verification Inspection (PRVI) with testing to quantitatively assure that mold remediation is complete.
Mold Assessment Summary
EnviroNET mold and moisture assessments detect mold problems and provide recommendations for their remediation. One or more technicians visit a property and measure indoor humidity and the moisture of building surfaces to identify sites of water intrusion. Air or surface samples are then taken from areas of interest and the type and amount of mold in the samples quantified by a laboratory. Laboratory results and technician observations are combined into a written report with annotated photographs which may be used as a guide for remediation personnel.
Follow-up assessments may be performed after remediation work to confirm removal of mold.