Most Brownfield sites include a potpourri of regulated materials, possibly including hazardous waste, off-spec inventories of containerized / drummed materials, chemical spills and leaks, dormant manufacturing equipment, blight, broken glass, tanks of all sizes in various locations (above ground, underground, and associated with former processes), pits, lagoons, impacted creeks and waterways, and numerous other situations.
Best Management Practices (BMPs) require that abandoned materials at brownfield sites, in ravines, active industrial facilities or elsewhere be evaluated for re-use and recycling purposes. EnviroNET prepares material profiles and conducts marketing studies to the extent necessary to identify the most appropriate and cost-effective final disposition for unwanted materials. Specialties: recycling “off-spec” paints, solvents, roofing materials, light ballasts, light tubes, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Our clients have reduced regulatory burden because materials are recycled with beneficial re-use rather than disposed as waste.
Transportation & Disposal of regulated materials, RCRA & CERCLA Closures
EnviroNET staff includes Certified Hazardous Materials Managers, and over 160 years of experience in profiling hazardous / regulated materials, and identifying the appropriate recycling or treatment / disposal facility to minimize costs and impact to the environment.
Brownfield sites often include regulated drums, vials of laboratory chemicals and test kits, debris, rubbish, and other materials. EnviroNET specializes in Brownfield and other closures as described below.
RCRA Closures always involve one or more of the following: regulated inventory, spilled materials, impacted soils or groundwater, and sometimes hazardous waste clean-up activities. EnviroNET uses communication skills to network to stakeholders until a plan of action and timeline is established.
EnviroNET develops Health and Safety Plans, Quality Assurance Program Plans, and Progress reports, as appropriate, for these types of investigations / remediations / and closures.
EnviroNET has experience with numerous RCRA Closures and industrial system upgrades / renovations including working on incinerators at Monsanto, electroplating lines at John Deere, cabinetry solvent remediation programs at woodworking shops.
Congress enacted Brownfield legislation to minimize the financial exposure to communities and investors to encourage redevelopment of industrial properties encumbered by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.
EnviroNET supports the Brownfield concept. We embrace the team approach to solving urban problems and creating a “Win – Win” outcome for municipalities, bankers, attorneys, developers, and ourselves!
Our clients realize significant cost savings through our risk-based approach to the investigation, rememdiation and closure of contaminated sites. Our inventory of environmental solutions includes innovative bioremediation technologies for soil and groundwater, in-situ and ex-situ treatments, monitored natural attenuation (MNA) for solvent sites, hydrologic control and soil washing, soil venting and others.
EnviroNET has extensive working knowledge of applicable requirements for generators, transporters and disposal facilities; and appropriate technologies for reducing the impacts to human health and the environment. Our track record for closure is 100%
EnviroNET teams with municipalities, developers, and general contractors, as appropriate, to implement designs requiring earthwork, excavation, transportation and disposal of waste materials. We design and implement groundwater remediation / soil remediation programs as may be required.
EnviroNET supplies monthly progress reports to our clients and the implementing agency to foster continual communication itemizing benchmark accomplishments toward site closure.
EnviroNET has assisted with State and Federal grant applications,